Sunday, June 15, 2008

Another love lost

Tracy files for divorce tomorrow. For three years i tried. She quit trying after her mother passed away. The first year she spent on the couch talking on the phone to her kids. She got her hair back, her teeth fixed, and her surgery past. She lost weight and now is really pretty. I guess it's time to move on. I wish her the best. I still want to meet this man that she is looking for that is better than me. six months from now she better be happy.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Clarksville-Johnson County Chamber of Commerce

I have been accused by some of being overly harsh on the C-JCCC. They deserve most of my words but today they did a good thing. The Spring Master Gardener sale was held on the train depot patio. Daylilies and annuals, roses and ferns, and indoor houseplants were on sale. These volunteers support their hobby with this sale. The Chamber allows them to use the train depot. I wonder did the Chamber charge this group 25$ membership fee and 5$ a day each to sell their plants like they want the farmers to at the Farmer's market? The City needs to provide local farmers a seperate place to market our produce away from the Chamber. preferably away from downtown Clarksville as the Chamber seems to want to kill downtown Calrksville. I tried

Friday, May 02, 2008

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21 country Market, Clarksville,Ar. local shopping

21 country Market is my most recent find in my search for local shopping experiences. Locally owned and operated, front door parking, and competitive prices. The Wal-mart butcher buys his family's meat here. Dozens of flavors of ice cream and 80 photos of historical Johnson county on the walls. pictures of how life was before Wal-mart and the interstate ruined downtowns and small businesses. The food is fresh and folks are friendly, the prices are low. Shop local, support local folks trying to make a living.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe, Congressman Mike Bozeman

You are looking at a picture of Gov. Mike Beebe speaking at the University of the Ozarks. I wasn't there that afternoon but if I were I would have taken the opportunity to ask a question. I want to know when or if he has any plans or desire to re-open the rest stops on I-40. I want to know why we can't re-open the many small local parks closed in Arkansas. The rest stops were closed due to queers and drug addicts gathering there were a "public safety hazard". The small parks were closed due to lack of funding. Our state budget has had a surplus for several years now. Did we also run out of many to fund state troopers? Couldn't we re-open the rest stops and put a state trooper there, parked in a car? If he needs to leave for a wreck, he would be closer than he would be at HG. The public image of Arkansas took a hit when we closed our parks and rest stops. Do the gays and druggies run this state or do the law-abiding citizens? Can we not manage our money? My proposal is this: All government agencies will produce a budget showing how we cut costs by 10% or increased public service by 10%. Then we can re-open the parks and rest stops. If you know either of these men or their staffs, e-mail them and ask , Why?