Saturday, June 17, 2006

Democrats 50 state strategy

I have written a new comment on my Yahoo 360 about the National Democrats 50 state stategy. I want to know why a Conservative, Christian in Arkansas should vote for the liberal Party. If you can tell a why I should vote Democrat without saying one negative word about the GOP send it to me now. You have 2.5 years to convince me.

Homosexual's get Christian fired

Robert Smith of the Maryland Metro Board was fired for thinking his religious beliefs. As a Roman Catholic he believes that being gay is a deiviant lifestyle. He wasn't fired for doing a bad job or stating his views at a paid government meeting. He was fired for stating his religious beliefs off-duty. A so-called tolerant governor fired his appointeee because a gay man objected to Mr. Smith's reliogious thinking. Christians are now boycotting Ford Motors because of its aggressive support of the gay agenda. We need to boycott companies and states that openly support the anti-Christian agenda. Gays make up about 3-6 per cent of the American population. Minorities must be protected from discrimination. But giving gays a protected staus is wrong. The majority believe that being gay is wrong/deviant behaviour. It's hard to believe that a man can be fired for his religious beliefs.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

This is my Geocities website. It also links to my Yahoo 360 site. I usually write daily about Tyson Foods, life in the Arkansas River Valley and Arkansas in general. Write me and tell me your story, your opinion, whatever I want to hear from you. If you have Adsense tell me and I'll be happy to click on an ad.