Sunday, November 18, 2007

Clarksville,Johnson County:appropraite technology

Looking out my living room window is a beautiful site. Fall colors, leaves on the ground, chickens in the yard. I have enough firewood cut and stacked for this year. It's mid-60's this afternoon so there won't be a fire tonight. Monday means back to Tyson Foods for three days. My Dad and I plowed the last of the chile peppers under yesterday. We plan to double our chile garden next year. We are building an acre pen to house livestock. We are trying to find a logger to cut the pines in my backyard. If they are cut by spring we plan to build a bigger dog pen for the Great Pyrenees and poultry. We have been researching appropriate technology websites about fishfarmingirrigation and strawbale greenhouses/hoop houses. We plan to buy some heritage livestock and heirloom garden seeds. We are battling the local Chamber of Commerce about the dismal Clarksville Farmer's Market. The WinRock Foundation is at least encouraging me with information. Clarksville ,Johnson County is politically controlled by the local Democrats but they act more conservative than 1950's Republicans or Muslim Sheiks. They even want to ban skateboards downtown. Purely backwards and backwoods.