Saturday, June 17, 2006

Homosexual's get Christian fired

Robert Smith of the Maryland Metro Board was fired for thinking his religious beliefs. As a Roman Catholic he believes that being gay is a deiviant lifestyle. He wasn't fired for doing a bad job or stating his views at a paid government meeting. He was fired for stating his religious beliefs off-duty. A so-called tolerant governor fired his appointeee because a gay man objected to Mr. Smith's reliogious thinking. Christians are now boycotting Ford Motors because of its aggressive support of the gay agenda. We need to boycott companies and states that openly support the anti-Christian agenda. Gays make up about 3-6 per cent of the American population. Minorities must be protected from discrimination. But giving gays a protected staus is wrong. The majority believe that being gay is wrong/deviant behaviour. It's hard to believe that a man can be fired for his religious beliefs.

1 comment:

Dusty Bogard said...

I was curious about your blog, having read the comments on another blog that you and I both responded to. I have read your posts, and most of them are certainly worthy of comment. However, this post stood out for me as the one I would like to comment on.

Actually, my first thought was to respond to your latest post about the Democrats 50 state strategy. But. while working on that one, my eyes kept returning to this post. It is most interesting.

Your first sentence, "Robert Smith of the Maryland Metro Board was fired for thinking his religious beliefs." If that were truly the case, I would most certainly agree with your assumptions about this particular matter. So, I researched this story to try to locate just the facts, minus, good old American spin.

Guess what I found? Mr Smith did not "think" his beliefs. He used a public forum. Mr Smith has been a regular panelist for the past 12 years on a weekly political round-table show, "21 This Week," telecast on Access Montgomery cable channel 21. He appears as a "Republican Activist," according to the show's producer, Rodney Bryant.

Armed with this information, it becomes much easier to understand why he was removed from an appointed position by his govenor. Thinking a belief, or even perhaps making a prejudical remark like that in a private conversation would probably not provoke dismissal from a public office. But, he used a televised public forum to not just state his belief, but to state it using deliberately inflamatory language.

I was able to locate that part of the transcript from this particular broadcast. Another speaker on the show was talking about the Maryland law, banning same sex marriages, (which by the way has recently been struck down by a high court) and as an example suggested that Vice President Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, would not want the government interfering in her life. Mr Smith then immediately interrupted and said, "That's fine, that's fine. But that doesn't mean that government should proffer a special place of entitlement within the laws of the United States for persons of sexual deviancy." Was that a slip of the tongue, or just a poor choice of words?

Given the fact that Mr Smith held a high public office, an office that is supposed to represent the transportation needs of all its citizens, and given the fact that Mr Smith made these comments in public, on a television show of all places, I do not see how any employer could do anything else except remove him from his office.

In fact, in my opinion, when Mr Smith chose to use the phrase "sexual deviancy" on a televised medium, he quit his job himself. His failure to "think" and to use better judgement in his terminolgy cost him his job. There was no anti-christian agenda here. He was foolish, and he suffered the consequences.

In your conclusion, you wrote, "Minorities must be protected from discrimination. But, giving gays a protected status is wrong" How can any minority be protected from discrimination without giving them a protected status? We did it for the slaves, and again for women voting rights, and again for allowing 18 year olds who can be called upon to serve and die for their country to have the right to vote. These are just a few easy examples of "protected status." Maybe it will help to know that when/if they do achieve a protected status, that they will be punished with the "Marriage Penalty" tax, just like you and I.