Saturday, June 07, 2008

Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Has any ever considered the differences between Mennonites and Muslims? The Mennonites number in the mere 1-2 million range while Muslim number 1-2 billion. Mennonites are an offshoot of the Christian faith. Jesus, John the Baptist, Roman Catholic Church, Anabaptist's and the then the Amish/Mennonites. Muslims come from Abraham, Jesus and the Jews, Muhammad. The Mennonites are known as the Peace church. They preach non-violence and simple living. They have the Christian Peacemaker Teams to aid in disaster relief . The Muslims preach submission to God, prayer, fasting, alms, and a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Mennonites are in almost every Western and African country. Their numbers are growing. The Muslims are in mostly the Middle East, Asia and Indonesia. The Mennonites will not fight and the Muslims are known for suicide bombings. Both are male-dominated faiths. The Muslims world is stingy in it's aid to non-Muslims. The Mennonites recruit by example and the Muslims by violence over the pacifists. In America the Islamic jihadist's use our freedom to spread hatred of our system while enjoying the freedom our system brings. In the future some radical American will begin killing Muslims here when a Muslim kills an innocent person overseas. Peace will overcome hatred.


Anonymous said...


I am a long time resident of Johnson County and have just today found your blog. I agree with you on some issues, namely the churches not being active enough in our own area, about good values, and about the Chamber of Commerce being anti-farmers. However, sometimes your blogs border on the fanatical. You seem to be a moderately intelligent person yet, and as much as you are entitled to your opinion, please be more open minded and fair. Again I do not wish to suppress your opinion, just wish you would open it up more and learn that there is more in life than black and white. There are lots of gray areas.
Thank you, and keep blogging.


Anonymous said...

I apologize I did not leave an email to respond back to if you wish.


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