Monday, August 07, 2006


On my Yahoo 360 I wrote about going to Church Sunday with my family. We are fairly simple, traditional Christians. Our politics is conservative Republican. The FBC was moved from Cherry Street to Crawford a few years ago. It was thought to be a local missionary type Baptist Church with a strong local outreach program in mind. Somehow the original vision was lost. The common people came and soon left because they felt uncomfortable and unwelcomed. Where are the food/shelter/clothing projects once talked about? Are there no problems here in Johnson County to work on? Will our glory in Heaven be based on watching a video of a former pastor working in Africa? Will a preacher from here ever go somewhere else and tell people from away about how the FBC Clarksville saved 30,000 souls here? What programs will he show on DVD about what we did here? There are 2 services, were both full of people singing the songs that they know? Yes, the children are the future but at the present the "white-hairs" financially support the FBC. Part-time positions being paid full-time wages in voluntary commitments. Listen to the people, I heard sad noises and low grumbling from inside the FBC and I am an outsider. If I heard no singing but yours, why can't you hear the sadness?

1 comment:

Me said...

Greetings from FBC. Thank you for being honest about your feelings. Actually, we are doing a lot of local missions as well. Please let me know if you have any questions.

-Mark Edington
FBC Worship Pastor